Some of you may know this but many may not: I (Laura) am leaving SPVV to stay home with my newborn daughter, Tallulah.
Even as I write this, it hasn’t set in that I will be saying goodbye to SPVV. After my return to work from maternity leave, it didn’t take long for me to realize that my head and my heart were with my newborn daughter. As it turns out, having your head helps A LOT when it comes to being an effective worker (I’m sure all the moms out there understand what I mean when I say “mom-brain”). And having heart – well, you need a lot of that to be a passionate designer. As the strain of being in one place while wanting to be in another persisted, my husband and I started talking about the best decision for our family. Although the thought of changing my routine nearly sent me into a tailspin, I decided that my time will be better used at home with our sweet baby girl. You only get these precious moments with your baby once, so I am going to take it all in.
Making the decision to stay home was a difficult one, especially after being with the SPVV family for 10 years…I was just a freshman at WSU when I learned about the wonderful world of landscape architecture. I fondly remember telling my friend Chris Sherry, “I am going to be a landscape architect. Do you know what that is?” To my surprise, he responded, “You should probably meet my dad.” Enter Tom Sherry, President of SPVV Landscape Architects. After a short conversation with Tom, Ken, and Anne (I guess it was an interview), they decided to take a chance on me and hired me as their intern.
Three years of interning turned into seven years of being a full-time employee. In those seven years, I was able to work on a multitude of project types that stretched my professional prowess. I learned how to design irrigation systems, how to detail and express my designs effectively, how to communicate ideas. I learned from my mistakes. I was able to obtain my license. I was able to serve as the WASLA eastern Washington representative—and then served as the WASLA president. I went to Indians Skybox nights and Chiefs games with the office. I spent Christmas parties being spoiled with some of the best food and drinks offered in Spokane. I enjoyed barbecues on hot summer days. I was treated to birthday lunches. I attended lake days. I made (and consumed) a lot of Jell-O Shots for those lake days. I attended shindigs celebrating the firm’s successes. And I did this all while being surrounded by employers and coworkers who I am lucky enough to call my friends. I wouldn’t have been able to do so much in those ten years without the support of everyone at SPVV.
When I broke the news to the principals, I was so nervous that they would feel like I was letting them down. To my surprise, the reaction was quite the opposite. Everyone has been so supportive of my decision and excited for this new stage of life for me. It just goes to show that SPVV is a family-oriented company that truly has its employees’ best interests at the forefront. I may be saying goodbye for now, but I certainly am not saying goodbye forever. Much love and thanks to everyone here at SPVV, and a hearty “cheers” to everyone I’ve had the pleasure of working with over the years. I’m certainly looking forward to when our paths cross again.
– Laura
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