SPVV is committed to the health and safety of our staff and their families. We also recognize that Covid-19 presents a unique threat to public health. As such, we are following the recommended and necessary measures to keep our employees, their families, and the community at large healthy.
In this difficult time, we are also committed to managing and delivering our projects, and providing the same high level of service to our clients. Our staff are equipped to work remotely, so while we won’t all be in the office, we will all be available to keep working on projects throughout this crisis. For the limited staff remaining in the office, we are observing proper social distancing practices and disinfecting commonly-touched surfaces frequently.
SPVV’s leadership is monitoring our workload and evaluating the information coming from local, state, and federal agencies to ensure that any actions taken by the office during this time are appropriate and prudent.
We will share any updates here on our website and our social media channels. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us—all staff emails are listed on the About page.
In the meantime, wash your hands, keep that social distance, and stay healthy.
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